2022 NFA TOUR 1st Stop - San Antonio, TX
Here you will be able to register for the 2022 NFA TOUR 1st Stop in San Antonio, TX on Apr 2nd, 2022.

Time & Location
Apr 02, 2022, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
San Antonio, 15630 Henderson Pass, San Antonio, TX 78232, USA
One team at a time
This is the best option for players who has never been participated on the NFA Tour. General guideline for Beginners Division - Less than ONE year experience - FIRST time participating on a NFA competition - Current student of one of the schools in the U.S. (must provide the instructor, and school name) - Not ranked or average team points equal or less than 50 points on the current NFA Ranking.
$100.00Sale endedOPEN Division 1, 2 and 3
Open Division is designed for all footvolley players in the USA.​ All teams from Open Division 1, 2 and 3 will play a qualify and based on their performance they will be divided by level on Div 1, 2 and 3.
$140.00Sale endedCO-ED (Mixed)
Registration per team. CO-ED will happen upon an enough teams registered. The format will be a mixed team with a man and a woman. So all girls can participate. With this format, all girls will be able to find a partner who will help her to play in the tournament and have fun.
$100.00Sale endedWOMEN's Division
Registration per team. All girls can participate. With this format, all girls / women will be able to play in the tournament and have fun.
$50.00Sale endedQUEEN OF THE SAND (per player)
Registration per player
$50.00Sale ended